Khan Of Finalnd is a professional in the fields of music, arts, and creative production. Khan moves at the interface of digital and real.
His creative way of expression is music, dj, photography, and art itself.
With electronic classics such as Say Good Bye, Bad Computer, and You Make Me Function, he is a pioneer and milestone in dirty machine music.
He is interested in new subcultural behaviors that result from our digital interaction and real life together. He is a queer activist and board member of the Berlin Network for Suicide Prevention.
Collaborations include Cube40, Diamanda Galas, Julee Cruise, Kim Gordon, Brigitte Fontaine, Kid Congo Powers, Alexander Kowalski, DJ Kaos, Tiefschwarz, International Pony, Air Liquide, Captain Comatose, Stereo Total, Terranova, Baba Zula etc.
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My friends I beg you, what’s the track at 10:00 E.LINA is playing?It’s just perfect 🙁