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Žygimantas RGB

Nice mix! Keep it flowing!

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Originally from Poland Monya is already based over a decade in Berlin. Since 2009 with her hard work and determination she has seen quick rise through the techno scene. This being visible by her playing alongside most known and respected artist with gigs in New York, Spain, France and allover the world. She played many Times in Tresor and on coolest underground Partys. She found her support from producers like Perc, Bas Mooy, Rebekah, Steve Stoll, Jeroen Search, Mike Parker on several of her own releases.She released her first album for BCR in 2013. In 2014 she launched her own label ‘Corresponding Positions’. Followed by the successful growth of the project, she involved herself in supporting new faces of the scene by realising their fresh and powerful sounds. She shows her biggest passion to industrial techno but doesn’t keep her productions in one range. Different approach and experimental sounds are easily visible in her Live sets. In 2019, Monya was welcomed into the HANDS Family with her album "straight ahead". The next release on the label "MORD" - challenge004 was successfully released in 2021. After her baby break and corona pandemic, she came back to the stage with fresh live set at "Wroclaw Industrial Festival in Poland, alongside Winterkälte and Dive, also at the "Beats&Noise" in Germany. Now playing regularly in clubs and Partys like Tresor Berlin, Hands label Night, Infest Festival in UK and so long.. Stay tuned for more noize...
Corresponding PositionsBerlin-MünsterTresor Berlin
1 Shows
MONYA's shows