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QUEST (Bio Aggiornata) La Nota del Diablo Quest class 1992 influenced by the Alien army and by the special technique of shadowboxing... head of the label La Nota Del Diablo.. Like the Beast, it goes by many names: Diabolus in musica (devil in music), the devil's interval, the tritone, the triad and the flatted fifth. As its Latin moniker suggests, it's an evil sounding combination of notes that's designed to create a chilling or foreboding atmosphere.. an atmosphere that characterizes his sets showcasing a vast collection of unearthed genre bending gems ranging across the electronic spectrum from outrè techno to EBM Drum n Bass & UKG. Showcasing his versatility in the hottest clubs and festivals around the globe like Bassiani in Tbilisi , Robert Johnson in Frankfurt , Fabric in London, Glastonbury Festival , Off Week Festival in Barcelona, DC 10 in Ibiza , ADE in Amsterdam ,Fuse in Bruxelles , Dimensions Festival in Croatia An other prestigious venues. Quest will keep taking the scene by storm with his Fierce companion aswell Christian Ab wich who share a B2b project and more news coming soon.. You can catch Quest touring In the next months even In Australia ,Japan ,South Korea , North America and Latino America.
La nota del diabloBerlin