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Top Shotta

Hailing from the streets of West Munich, Top Shotta is known as a boundary-pushing DJ and promoter, manager of a forward-thinking label and as a dazzling personality of the rather monotonous night life in his hometown. His flamboyant sets range from a numerous number of technoid club mutations to all sorts of MC focused productions - which have earned him various radio residencies around the world as well as Boiler Room and HÖR Berlin appearances. With his do- or-die approach, he quietly established Ruffhouse Industries as one of Europe’s most forward- thinking, consistently innovative small hubs for boundary pushing club music -to convince yourself look no further than their discography which contains renowned collaborators such as Desto, L-Vis 1990, SCNTST, Schlachthofbronx, Grim Sickers, Filter Dread & many many more.
Ruffhouse Industries Schlachthofbronx Nasty Bros Belp Jahmoni Music