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Mala ika | HÖR – July 26 / 2024
Jul 26, 2024 / 995 views
Kingsizebed | HÖR – July 26 / 2024
Jul 26, 2024 / 1095 views
Jul 26, 2024 / 1428 views
ETHEREAL TEMPO – DLUXE | HÖR – July 26 / 2024
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Paraçek | HÖR – July 25 / 2024
Jul 25, 2024 / 3131 views
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There aren’t many black techno producers / DJ’s in Berlin these days but Eònan is definitely one of them. Since a few years he is creating his own sound signature which is dark like his skin but deep and drifty like his mind. By himself he would describe his music as sci-fi-techno but he doesn’t take himself too serious with that. His style is definitely atmospheric, hypnotic and deeply reflecting the ups and downs in life. To understand Eònan’s identity it’s helpful to spot the light on where he comes from. Born and raised in Germany he pretty early got infected by techno music from artists like Surgeon, Jeff Mills, Takkyu Ishino or Cari Lekebusch just to drop a few famous names from the 90’s. Nevertheless these kind of artists had a big influence on Eònan’s musical development. It’s important to mention that he also made a huge journey through different genres that reflect in his music as well. All that creates an interesting sound signature that catches more and more fans in the scene. As a DJ he likes to play at a tearing pace, always with a certain groove and intelligent synth sounds rather than choosing narrowed and too simple tracks for his sets. In Eònan’s opinion techno is a universal language that speaks to us like it comes from a far out and foreign galaxy. Just listen to his new releases to find out more about that...
5 Shows
Eònan's shows