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Charlie, the Berlin-born Polish DJ, LIVE performer & Producer is an active member of the underground dance scene in Krakow. Known for her event series SZUM with unique and diverse Line Ups, she also caters to Krakow's visual art scene as the CO-director of the project space "Elementarz dla mieszkańców miast" being this year honored the most original and influential art initiatives in town. She is internationally recognized traveling with her complex analogue set up appearing on festivals such as Unsound Festival, Black Factory Festival, Up to Date and more. Her recent release “cold inside” on London based label “Ferry Lane Records” made it into Juno Record’s top 10 charts in cold wave synth music. Further releases include conmpilations on labels such as Mechatronica, Worn Pop & Dom Trojga.
mechatronicaferry-lane-recordsworn-popdom trojgaszumKrakow